Longship Living - The Scandi Edit
The Viking longships sailed to Orkney at the end of the 8th century, bringing fear and conflict, then five hundred years of prosperous, peaceful Norse reign.
Throughout Orkney we’re constantly reminded of our Scandinavian ancestors, in place names to archaeological sites like Maeshowe with its Viking ruins etched on its walls. You can almost sense the Viking spirit around you.
With the St Magnus Cathedral directly outside The Longship windows, it’s impossible to ignore our Scandi heritage. It runs through the DNA of Orkney and our store. Its influence can be seen in our carefully curated collection of Scandi designers, as well as our overall ethos of curating a shop full of simple, stylish, functional design.
Here are our top picks of Scandi design to add to your home and wardrobe…
Saga Form Cheese Oak Cutlery Set is the ideal tool to help you get stuck into some Kirkness & Gorie treats!
Saga Form’s ceramics and kitchen utensils have become a core part of the Longship’s collection over the past few years. Based in Sweden, the brand is dedicated to sourcing and collaborating with the best and most innovative designers across the country.
Margot Barolo stackable bowls - £10
Being so far north, Orcadians can empathise with the Nordic population’s long winter periods deprived of natural sunlight. The Scandi response to this is white hues and pale grey tones, which maximise the space to reflect as much natural light as possible. These calm, neutral tones alongside light wooden furniture and the minimalist approach of ‘less is more’ is key to a Scandi interior. However with the influence of Finnish designer Marimekko’s bold and bright designs, scandi living also welcomes bright accent colours that add cheer to the subdued interior.
This mustard stackable bowl is the perfect pop of colour to add to your kitchen. Part of a collection by Saga Form in collaboration with designer Margot Barolo, they bring to your home stylish, functional design.
Barolo, a pioneer in the Scandinavian design world, is not afraid to challenge the status quo. Not only a leading designer, Barolo is a lecturer in Sweden, encouraging reflection on the manufacturing industry and its relationship with the people and places where our products are made.
Rains Backpack - £75
Moving from Scandi homeware to fashion we introduce to you the Danish brand Rains. Designed to mix function with fashion Rains backpacks and raincoats are the ideal attire to take on Orkney’s windy, wet days whilst speaking to the current fashion trends of the wider world. These backpacks have a modern, stylish edge accentuated by the Scandi undertone of simplicity, key to Rains aesthetic.
Tray of Skaill - £29.95
And finally the Tray of Skail which encapsulates both Orcadian and Scandinavian design. Designed in Sandwick, handcrafted in Sweden, the tray displays hydrographic charts of our beautiful Orkney isles.
When most Orcadians hear the word Skaill they will immediately think of the Bay of Skaill – the beautiful sandy beach just below Skara Brae. In fact it was close to the shore at the Bay of Skaill where in 1858 the largest Viking treasure trove in all of Scotland was found.
The etymology of Skaill has Viking origins:
- ‘skáli’– a shelter or dwelling
- ‘skáli’(Norse) – usually applied to a shed or a hut
- ‘of skaill’- suggests safety, warmth, and an idea of plenty
The Longship Crew sends you plenty of love, safety and warmth during this particular stormy period. We hope to see you soon in our store but in the meantime enjoy discovering our new website and all of the Scandi designs it has to offer.
Written by Cara McLean